PDF to Word Converter

Instantly convert any PDF to editable Word for free
  • Privacy First
  • No Installation
  • Fast & Free
Select PDF file
or drop PDF file here
  • Rated 4.86 out of 5 by 9655 users

How to Convert a PDF to Word in 3 Steps

Upload PDF

Select the PDF file you want to change. Or drag and drop it into the conversion section.

Convert PDF to Word

The PDF to Word format converter automatically starts the conversion process.


Click Download to get your file in Word format.

Convert PDF to Word without Losing Original Formatting

Convert PDF to Editable Word using OCR

ONEPDF features OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology that effectively recognizes and extracts text from images in PDFs and then transfers them to Word documents. This new tech has revolutionized the way to convert PDF into Word documents.

convert pdf as word using ocr

PDF to Word and Word to PDF Freely

ONEPDF performs a dual purpose. It serves as a PDF to Word and Word to PDF converter, allowing you to switch file formats whenever needed. During several conversions, the layout and structure of your file will be maintained.

convert pdf to word document freely

Maintain Quality during the Conversion

ONEPDF allows you to convert PDF to editable Word while preserving the original quality of the file. The Word document will have the same resolution, color depth, and overall formatting as the initial file.

convert pdf to editable word keeing quality

Why Choose ONEPDF

  • Cloud-Based

    No need to download or install any software. ONEPDF is a web-based tool that helps you save storage space on your device. All you need is a stable internet connection to convert PDF to Word documents.
  • Privacy Security

    We implement 256-byte SSL encryption and global industry-specific security standards to guarantee maximum safety and protect users' data. Also, we immediately delete users' data from our servers, so you don't have to worry about any privacy issues.
  • Ease of Use

    Our PDF to Docx format conversion tool is designed to be relatable for both beginners and professionals. It has an interactive interface that everyone can easily understand and navigate. You don't need to be computer savvy.
  • Fast File Conversion

    ONEPDF features advanced data processing capabilities to quickly scan, identify, and convert PDF to Docx. With just a few clicks, the rapid file processing system replicates every detail in the PDF to Word document.
  • Intelligent Converter

    Using AI, powered with cutting-edge algorithms, all the content in the PDF file is analyzed and changed to Word format. This involves converting PDF to Word document while retaining the fonts, images, tables, and other elements completely.
  • Work Online Anywhere

    Convert to Word from PDF seamlessly using any device and operating system, such as Windows, Mac, etc. You can change PDF to Word format from anywhere you are in the world. No restrictions!

Collection of Free Online PDF Tools

Our PDF converter online free tool is a one-stop shop for all your document needs. It enables various functions required for the management and modification of your files.

Learn More about PDF Converter to Word

How to turn a PDF into a Word document for free?

  • Turning PDF into Word document for free requires ONEPDF. It's a free tool that efficiently converts PDF to editable Word files. To get started, follow these steps:
  • • Open your preferred browser and go to onepdf.tinyfrom.com
  • • Choose the PDF to Word tab.
  • • Select the PDF file or drag and drop it in the conversion section.
  • • ONEPDF begins to turn the PDF into Word.
  • • To access the converted file, click on Download to save the Word document to your device.

How do I convert PDF to Docx without losing format?

  • ONEPDF is built with advanced technologies, such as cutting-edge AI algorithms and OCR that accurately scan, copy, and paste the PDF content into Docx without compromising the format. Every text, figure, symbol, diagram, to all other details in the PDF file are transferred exactly as they appear in the Word document.

How to turn a PDF into Docx format without Adobe?

  • While Adobe is a reputable software that can be used to convert PDF to Docx format, it can only handle basic conversions. Sometimes, it doesn't fully replicate data as they appear, thereby messing with the file format.
  • But ONEPDF is professionally designed to handle every complexity associated with turning PDF to Docx format. Without spending a penny, you can change a PDF that's proving difficult to edit into a Word document for seamless editing.

How do I convert PDF to Word on both Windows and Mac?

  • Converting PDF to Word documents on Windows and Mac involves the same process. ONEPDF streamlines it to be applicable on all devices and operating systems.
  • Here's the process:
  • • Open your preferred browser on your Windows or Mac computer.
  • • Go to onepdf.tinyfrom.com and choose the PDF to Word tab.
  • • Select the PDF file you want to convert. You can also drag and drop it in the conversion section.
  • • Immediately, the PDF file begins to process to Word.
  • • Finally, click on Download to save the resulting Word document on your device.